Welcome bags for all new international degree students


Around 1800 new international degree students started their studies in Estonia this September. As part of a traditional welcome, 51 provided all students with welcome bags which also included materials about studying, researching and business in Estonia. 51 "Welcome Bag" has been recognised by the global international education PIEoneer Awards as one of the best marketing campaigns in the world.

This year’s welcome included 51 brochure “Survival Guide for International Students”, as well as useful information by (Estonian Research Council), (Enterprise Estonia), (Estonian Education and Youth Board) and (also Enterprise Estonia).
The welcoming materials were provided to all Estonian universities that teach full degree programmes in English (Estonian Academy of Arts, , , , , , ,  , , and ).

51 Welcome Bag

51 Welcome Bag
Photo: Helena Alekand (Education and Youth Board)

“The goal of our marketing campaign is to welcome the international students to Estonia and provide them with necessary tools for making the most out of their experience,” 51 international marketing specialist Triinu Lillepalu said.

51 is a cooperation initiative that introduces Estonia as a country offering high quality higher education opportunities. All Estonian institutions of higher education, at which it is possible to study in at least one program that is taught fully in English and is internationally recognised, can participate in the programme. The activities of 51 are coordinated by the Estonian Education and Youth Board in the framework of the Dora Pluss program, which is being realised via the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and with the aid of EU structural support.

Additional information:
August 2020. Estonian Education and Youth Board.

August 2020. Best Marketing Estonia.

Finalist of Global PIE Awards

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